Homework 2

Copy this notebook. Rename it as: YOURNAME-panda-numpy-xx-Sept-2015

with your name replacing yourname and the xx replaced with the date you submit or to the last part.

Do the homeworks problems below.

Upload your completed jupyter notebook to elearning site as your homework submission. Do not put this notebook on your github.

Homework 2.1

2.1.a Load the data from: 'http://data.octo.dc.gov/feeds/cmpltcp2003/ccp_current_csv.zip'

Into a dataframe. ( The file has been loaded locally in directory ./data/ccp_current_csv.csv )

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2.1.a what is its shape and what does that mean?

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Homework 2.2

What are the number of rows in each 'QUADRANT' ?

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Homework 2.3

Find your own data and load it into a dataframe

Homework 2.4

Provide an interesting analysis of the data columns ( frequency or averages )